Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Thoughts for today

- I don't like time changes. They mess with my head and leave me discombobulated (I have no idea how to spell that.) And I can't stand how early it gets dark. I need more lights in my house.

- I don't understand why people, even ordained clergy, find it necessary to work out their own personal issues when the discussion is supposed to be about someone else. I was sitting in support of a wonderful person going through an interview on the way towards ordination, and mostly the committee behaved themselves, but one person, as always seems to happen, had to go and ask a ridiculous question that she really should have just refused to answer, a question for which she could not give an appropriate answer, because it was really all about his issues and had nothing to do with her fitness for ministry. I think clergy should be required to be in therapy.

- Speaking of which, it would be nice to have the time or money for therapy. I might figure out how to work out my crankiness in healthy ways.

- No more crankiness in this post.

- A bird who also seems confused about what time it is woke me up very early this morning - which usually would irritate me but today gave me some sacred quiet pre-dawn moments - they didn't last long, but were lovely.

- I went shopping last night in actual stores for the first time in I-can't-remember-how-long, and only had a few minutes, but found an adorable pair of sandals on super-sale that are totally me, and an little book that had amazing synchronicity (don't know if that's spelled right either) for special reasons.

- I love my church. They have lots of warts and challenges and weirdnesses, but I love them. It's really good to be here. It's still really really hard too, but that's okay right now.

- Children are almost spooky sometimes in their ability to access ways of thinking and being and moving and feeling that are so different and quirky and sweet and fun and otherworldly and holy. I'm working hard on being present to experience as much as I can of it.

1 comment:

revkjarla said...

I love your blogging name, and the name of your blog. Our church admin and I often laugh that we are zookeepers, too. Sometimes, we think we are a circus! In any case, good to know there are more out there....and I concur completely re: thoughts about people (clergy, esp.) working out their stuff in interviews. It's wrong. Sometimes, I think it is theological hazing!!!!