Tuesday, August 14, 2007

a new name?

Okay, I just changed my screenname. Perhaps I will have a change of heart again later, but Rev. Zookeeper seems to fit right now. My job seems to consist of making sure the animals are fed and watered, keeping the lions from eating the lambs, and cleaning up lots of poop. That's ministry in this funky loving church in a vastly changing neighborhood in a starting-to-fall-apart building and a complicated mix of ministry commitments. So, there we go!


Rev SS said...

Having seen your old name yet ... came here from your comments on RGBP Tuesday Lectionary discussion. I want to be at your place Sunday! Sounds like an awesome service ... with clouds and balloons, etc. You rock!

Rev SS said...

That's supposed to say I HAVEN'T seen your old name yet ... geez, great first impression!

Rev. Zookeeper said...

Hi Serena - thank you for your comments, my first! So exciting! And you with a picture of St. Francis too. My original screenname was stripes meaning like the nickname for a zebra (and the name of one of my daughter's favorite movies), but I realized that could seem to some to mean the stripes of Jesus, and that gets into bloody atonement theory that doesn't fit with my understanding of a loving God and requires long discussions, and so: the change to the more obvious Rev. Zookeeper. Except that somehow I'm both the zebra and the zookeeper now - but then again that's not all that impossible.

Hot Cup Lutheran said...

Hey thanks for delurking RevZ - and wow I hope your place has equipped you with some latex gloves (read great salary) if you have to shovel poop...

I too really liked your cloud of witnesses idea... good stuff so keep on delurking!

Unknown said...

I love your new name!
Can't wait to see what you have to say.